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La lectura, educación sentimental en los textos autobiográficos de José Manuel Caballero Bonald y Soledad Puértolas

Giovanna Fiordaliso


The article aims to analyse the experience of reading as a “sentimental education” in the life of some Spanish writers who decided to tell the story of their own life in some specific autobiographical texts. In these works, which represent a very interesting field to explore the characters of contemporary autobiography, the writers try to establish a peculiar relationship with their readers, by recollecting the past starting from their childhood. In that period, the narrators find out their literary vocation through the experience of reading, which becomes a fascinating way to move in a wonderful world, but also to learn their future profession. We propose to compare the autobiographical pages of Caballero Bonald and Soledad Puértolas, two Spanish contemporary writers, who both represent themselves, first of all, as readers. They are just two examples to understand the importance of reading in the “literary education” of writers because reading and writing are two sides of the same coin, two favourite ways to enter the world of literature, imagination, creation and life.

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Guardia, B. S. (1996), “El ofrecimiento de la noche. Entrevista con Soledad Puertolas”, Quehacer, 104, Nov.-Dic., 90-6.


Caballero Bonald, J. M. (1952), Las adivinaciones, Madrid, Adonais.

Caballero Bonald, J. M. (1954), Memorias de poco tiempo, Madrid, Ed. Cultura Hispanica.

Caballero Bonald, J. M. (1995), Tiempo de guerras perdidas, Barcelona, Anagrama.

Caballero Bonald, J. M. (2001), La costumbre de vivir, Madrid, Alfaguara.

Caballero Bonald, J. M. (2004), “El paisaje como argumento de la memoria” in Fernandez C., Hermosilla, M. A. (coord., 2004), Autobiografia en Espana: un balance, Madrid, Visor Libros, 45-52.

Puertolas, S. (1993), La vida oculta, Barcelona, Anagrama.

Puertolas, S. (1996), Recuerdos de otra persona, Barcelona, Anagrama.

Puertolas, S. (2001), Con mi madre, Barcelona, Anagrama.

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Linguæ & - Rivista di lingue e culture moderne
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (06/04/2012 n. 185)
Online ISSN 1724-8698 - Print ISSN 2281-8952

Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali: Storia, Culture, Lingue, Letterature, Arti, Media
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo

Editor-in-Chief: Roberta Mullini
Editorial Board: Maurizio Ascari - Stefano Beretta - Antonio Bertacca- Tania Collani - Chiara Elefante - Marina Guglielmi - Maryline Heck - Richard Hillman - Reinhard Johler - Stephen Knight - Cesare Mascitelli - Sonia Massai - Aurélie Moioli - Maria de Fátima Silva - Bart Van Den Bossche 

Editorial Staff: Margaret Amatulli - Alessandra Calanchi - Riccardo Donati - Ivo Klaver  - Massimiliano Morini - Antonella Negri - Luca Renzi

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