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Introduction. Beyond Isolation: Re-positioning Ruler Cults in the Hellenistic Culture

Stefano G. Caneva


Dossier introduction to Meet the New Gods, Same as the Old Gods? Formulary, Ritual, and Status in Hellenistic Ruler Cult - 8th Celtic Conference in Classics - Edinburgh, June 25-28, 2014

The five contributions of this volume are a selection of the papers presented at the panel Meet the New Gods, Same as the Old Gods? Formulary, Ritual, and Status in Hellenistic Ruler Cult, hosted by the 8th Celtic Conference in Classics, Edinburgh, June 25-28, 2014.


ruler cult, Hellenistic world, polis, euergetism, Hellenistic religion

Full Text:



Buraselis 2012 – K. Buraselis, Appended Festivals: The Coordination and Combination of Traditional Civic and Ruler Cult Festivals in the Hellenistic and Roman East, in J.R. Brandt - J.W. Iddeng (eds.), Greek and Roman Festivals, Oxford 2012, 247-265.

Caneva 2012 – S.G. Caneva, Queens and Ruler Cults in Early Hellenism: Festivals, Administration, and Ideology, Kernos 25 (2012), 75-100.

Caneva 2015a – S.G. Caneva, Costruire una dea. Arsinoe II attraverso le sue denominazioni divine, Athenaeum 103, 1 (2015), 95-122.

Caneva 2015b – S.G. Caneva, «Paradoxon!». Perception de la puissance divine et du pouvoir royal dans l’Alexandrie des Ptolémées, in S.G. Caneva - S. Paul (éd.), Des hommes aux dieux. Processus d’héroïsation et de divinisation dans la Méditerranée hellénistique, Caltanissetta 2015, 55-75 (= Mythos. Rivista di storia delle religioni 8, 2014).

Caneva - Paul 2015 – S.G. Caneva - S. Paul, Introduction, in S.G. Caneva - S. Paul (éd.), Des hommes aux dieux. Processus d’héroïsation et de divinisation dans la Méditerranée hellénistique, Caltanissetta 2015, 9-12 (= Mythos. Rivista di storia delle religioni 8, 2014).

Domingo Gygax 2013 – M. Domingo Gygax, Gift-giving and Power Relationships in Greek Social Praxis and Public Discourse, in M.L. Satlow (ed.), The Gift in Antiquity, Malden (MA) - Oxford 2013, 45-60.

Gnoli - Muccioli 2014 – T. Gnoli - F. Muccioli, Introduzione, in T. Gnoli - F. Muccioli (a cura di), Divinizzazione, culto del sovrano e apoteosi. Tra Antichità e Medioevo, Bologna 2014, 11-27.

Iossif 2014 – P.P. Iossif, The Apotheosis of the Seleucid King and the Question of High-priest/priestess: A Reconsideration of the Evidence, in T. Gnoli - F. Muccioli (a cura di), Divinizzazione, culto del sovrano e apoteosi. Tra Antichità e Medioevo, Bologna 2014, 129-148.

Iossif - Lorber 2011 – P.P. Iossif - C.C. Lorber, More than Men, Less than Gods: Concluding Thoughts and New Perspectives, in P.P. Iossif - A.S. Chankowski - C.C. Lorber (eds.), More than Men, Less than Gods: Studies on Royal Cult and Imperial Worship. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Organized by the Belgian School at Athens (November 1-2, 2007) (Studia Hellenistica 51), Leuven 2011, 691-710.

Ma 20022 – J. Ma, Antiochus III and the Cities of Western Asia Minor, Oxford 20022.

Ma 2008 – J. Ma, Paradigms and Paradoxes in the Hellenistic World, Studi Ellenistici 20 (2008), 371-385.

Ma 2013 – J. Ma, Statues and Cities: Honorific Portraits and Civic Identity in the Hellenistic World, Oxford 2013.

Strootman 2014 – R. Strootman, Courts and Elites in the Hellenistic Empires: The Near East after the Achaemenids, c. 330 to 30 BCE, Edinburgh 2014.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2016-002-intr

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Erga-Logoi. Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (20/09/2012 n. 353)
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