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«IrcCAN International Research Center for Cognitive Applied Neuroscience» operates a policy of anonymous peer review. The reviewers will not be made aware of the identity of the author information. For this reason information about author/s should be confined to the title page.

The «IrcCAN International Research Center for Cognitive Applied Neuroscience» policy has a closed peer-review process and manuscripts that are deemed suitable for peer review (after a first editorial screening) will be assigned to at least two expert reviewers. The following criteria will be adopted:
- Only manuscripts of high relevance and suitability will enter the peer review process, which will be conducted by internationally known experts in the field, and will aim to ensure that all published manuscripts are scientifically sound and provide new scientific knowledge.
- The reviewers will have up to four weeks to review the submitted article. Peer reviewers will have four possible options for each manuscript: accept without revision, accept after minor revisions, ask authors to make main revisions and resubmit, not accepted.
- Publication of articles is dependent primarily on their validity and coherence, as judged by peer reviewers, who are also asked whether the writing is comprehensible and how interesting they consider the article to be.
- Manuscripts will be sent to a statistician, in case of necessity.