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La Reggia di Venaria Reale. Un’analisi dell’esperienza turistica per un caso di “visitor management”

Emanuela Gasca


The Venaria Reale Royal Palace officially opened in 2007 becoming, on the international panorama, the biggest European restoration site and the most visited museum on the Metropolitan Museum System of Turin. Simultaneously with the opening of this museum, the Region of Piedmont began the development of the Tourism Strategic Plan and identified the Venaria Reale Royal Palace as one of three case studies for the development of a strategic axis for this plan. Dealing with this subject, this article presents the visitor management study that SiTI – Higher Institute on Territorial Systems for Innovation – and the Dipartimento Casa Città of the Polytechnic of Turin has developed for the Venaria Reale Royal Palace which, together with the other three case studies (Orta Lake and Susa Valley), represents one of the first applications of this methodology in Italy. Here we are presenting the fundamental assumption of the methodology used which, integrating the three key themes of tourism policies, accessibility, hospitality and information (World Tourism Organization, 2004), focuses on the experience of the visitor to define guide lines about the area of study.

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Copyright (©) – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie

Rivista di Scienze del Turismo. Ambiente Cultura Diritto Economia
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (15/09/2008 n. 530)
Online ISSN 2037-7908 - Print ISSN 2037-7916

Executive Editor: Nicola Boccella - Associate Editor: Azzurra Rinaldi
Editorial Staff: Andrea Billi - Patrizia Laurano - Antonio Magliulo - Angelo Quarto
Editorial Board: Alberto Abruzzese (Iulm Milano), Victor Aquino (Universidade de São Paulo), Sergio Arzeni (Ocse), Piero Barucci (Università degli Studi di Firenze), Nicola Boccella (Sapienza Università di Roma), Michael Crang (Durham University), Anya Diekmann (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Renato Guarini (Sapienza Università di Roma), Roberto Grossi (Federculture), Han Yong Liang (Zhejiang University), Jorge Lozano (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Michel Maffesoli (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Vanda Perretta (Sapienza Università di Roma), Marina Righetti (Sapienza Università di Roma), Azzurra Rinaldi (Unitelma - Sapienza Università di Roma), Irene Salerno (Sapienza Università di Roma), Pasquale Sandulli (Sapienza Università di Roma), Manuel Valenzuela (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)