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Dalla progettazione lineare alla co-progettazione condivisa: l’esperienza in un liceo della provincia di Salerno

Achille Maria Notti, Anna Maria Petolicchio


Learning planning, often considered by teacher as a bureaucratic practice, becomes a declination of goals, objectives, methods listed in «Indicazioni nazionali». The prescriptive guidance main programme and the choices made by the anthology authors of textbooks seem to leave little space to realize a planning that, with respect to subject content, can respond to the needs of students as individuals. In «Indicazioni nazionali» for high schools of 2010, it should be noted that at the end of the course of study the student must understand the intrinsic value of reading as a response to a self interest and that the study of literature must be through direct contact with lyrics. How can we combine students interests and disciplinary knowledge? How can we avoid the risk that the choices are fruit tastes teacher’s anthology set or authors of textbooks, rather than selections made to convey better the message to those particular students? Starting from these considerations the action-research in progress in two fifth classes of the high school «Alfonso Gatto» in Agropoli, moves. Using the approach of Student Voice, individual students were actively involved in the Italian learning planning. Choosing and motivating some keywords that have become the fil rouge that drove the track selection and authors anthology to be explored. This paper focuses on it.


Anthology texts; Disciplinary knowledge; Learning planning; National guidelines; Student Voice; Brani antologici; Indicazioni nazionali; Progettazione didattica; Saperi disciplinari

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/ecps-2017-015-nott

Copyright (©) 2017 Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal) – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie


Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS)
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (19/05/2010 n. 278)
Online ISSN 2037-7924 - Print ISSN 2037-7932

Research Laboratory on Didactics and Evaluation - Department of Education - "Roma Tre" University

Executive Editor: Gaetano Domenici - Associate Executive Editor & Managing  Editor: Valeria Biasci
Editorial Board: Eleftheria Argyropoulou - Massimo Baldacci - Joao Barroso - Richard Bates - Christofer Bezzina - Paolo Bonaiuto - Lucia Boncori - Pietro Boscolo - Sara Bubb  - Carlo Felice Casula - Jean-Émile Charlier - Lucia Chiappetta Cajola - Carmela Covato - Jean-Louis Derouet - Peter Early - Franco Frabboni - Constance Katz - James Levin - Pietro Lucisano  - Roberto Maragliano - Romuald Normand - Michael Osborne - Donatella Palomba - Michele Pellerey - Clotilde Pontecorvo - Vitaly V. Rubtzov - Jaap Scheerens - Noah W. Sobe - Francesco Susi - Giuseppe Spadafora - Pat Thomson
Editorial Staff: Fabio Alivernini - Guido Benvenuto - Anna Maria Ciraci - Massimiliano Fiorucci - Luca Mallia - Massimo Margottini - Giovanni Moretti - Carla Roverselli 
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