Entre le roi et la cité. Remarques sur le développement des cultes héroïques entre 336 et 150
Although the origins of ruler cults and their relation to classical heroic cults has been discussed in depth, little has been said about their influence on the development of hero-cults during the Hellenistic period. This analysis emphasizes the interrelation of ruler cults and the cults of other historical figures during the period of 323-150 BC. By overviewing the cults of non-royal historical figures established during this period and comparing them to the classical heroic cults of historical figures, this study aims to trace changes that can be associated with the introduction of Hellenistic ruler cults. The focuses of this work are the social circumstances that saw the establishment of these cults and the question whether or not the posthumous character of hero-cults generated a clear-cut boundary. Both topics indicate that no uniform pattern in the establishment of hero-cults during the Hellenistic period can be found. Depending on the observed cult, a deliberate analogy or separation with ruler cults can be identified, yet heroic ideology also retained an appeal of its own. Therefore, the development of ruler cults cannot be identified as the sole factor for the changing conceptions of hero-cult during the Hellenistic period.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2016-002-bodd
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