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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- Works submitted to the Journal should be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Papers should be no longer than 15.000 words including quotations, references, and footnotes, but not including tables or graphics.
Abstracts should be no longer than 200 words.
10 keywords should also be supplied. - Check that all the Author Guidelines (Informazioni per gli Autori) have been followed carefully.
- Check that the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
- All submissions must be in Word format.
Check that all required supplementary files have been prepared (Use section Uploading Supplementary Files - Step 4 of the procedure):
- A PDF file generated from the final Word file
- Authors’ Statement form (Dichiarazione degli Autori) (complete and duly signed)
- All fonts different from that used for the basic text
- All figures in the original electronic format (300 dpi .TIF, .JPG, .EPS or .XLS).
- Check that all materials and figures requiring permission for publication have been identified and publication permissions can be uploaded
- Check that files exceeding 22 MB have been splitted in two or more files.
Copyright Notice
The files included in Erga-Logoi are freely available: no registration or subscription required to read, print, download and share the full-text of articles.
The Journal does not require the transfer of copyright, that is authors retain any and all rights on the content of their papers. The Authors authorize the Publisher to issue their articles under a Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND)” license. The editorial format and the graphical layout of the texts published in print and/or online in Erga-Logoi remain the exclusive property of the Publisher. It is consequently forbidden, also in order not to damage the journal statistics, to upload the final published files to commercial websites, or such academic social network sites as Academia, Research Gate and the like, where the DOI code and/or the link to the issue homepage has to be inserted instead. Self-archiving: For Readers: The Journal provides immediate open access to its content. Nevertheless you may not use the material for commercial purposes or in commercial websites. Any reference to material included in Erga-Logoi has to include the citation of the author and the source. | I files inclusi in Erga-Logoi sono liberamente accessibili: non si richiede registrazione o sottoscrizione per leggere, stampare, scaricare e condividere i testi completi.
La rivista non richiede il trasferimento del copyright, pertanto gli Autori mantengono tutti i diritti sul contenuto dei propri testi. Gli Autori autorizzano l'Editore a pubblicare i loro articoli sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-NonCommerciale-NonOpereDerivate 4.0 Internazionale Il formato editoriale e il layout grafico dei testi pubblicati a stampa e/o online in Erga-Logoi sono di propietà esclusiva dell'Editore. E' di conseguenza vietato, anche per non danneggiare gli accessi alla Rivista, caricare i files definitivamente pubblicati in siti web commerciali o in social network accademici come Academia, Research Gate e simili, dove bisogna invece inserire il codice DOI e/o il link alla homepage del fascicolo Autoarchiviazione: Per i lettori: La Rivista garantisce immediata e completa accessibilità ai suoi contenuti. Nondimeno, non è permesso utilizzare i materiali pubblicati a fini o in siti web commerciali. Ogni citazione a materiali contenuti in Erga-Logoi deve includere la citazione dell'autore e della fonte. |
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