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La favola in Gregorio di Nazianzo

Marco Settecase


Exercises based upon the Aesopian μῦθος (προγυμνάσματα) were common in imperial schools of rhetoric. Being educated in such schools, Gregory of Nazianzus dealt with the fable: clear evidence lies in his oeuvre, where fable items are indeed widespread. By analyzing these items, the article aims to study why Gregory used and adapted them to Christianism (i.e. why he Christianized them).


cristianizzazione; Esopo; favola; Gregorio di Nazianzo; intertestualità; mito; προγυμνάσματα; retorica; Aesop; Christianization; exempla; fable; Gregory of Nazianzus; intertextuality; myth; rhetoric

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2019-001-sett

Copyright (©) 2019 Marco Settecase – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie


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