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Riflessioni su un frammento di Policleto di Larissa (FGrHist 128 F3 = Strab. XV 3, 21): interpretatio graeca dell’attività economica del Gran Re?

Ennio Biondi


The aim of this article is to propose an historical analysis of the fragment FGrHist 128 F3 (= Strab. XV 3, 21) of the historian Polykleitos of Larissa. Polykleitos reports mostly administrative and economic news on the Persian Great King’s activity and testifies to a new approach to the study of the Persian Empire and its tribute system compared to Herodotus: these are complex evidences clarified in the light of the Aristotelian reflection on the oikonomia and the politics of Macedonians in Asia.


Achemenidi; dono; Gran Re; oikonomia; politica; Susa; tesoro; tributo – Achemenians; gift; Great King; oikonomia; politics; Susa; treasure; tribute.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2020-002-bion

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