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Maximus of Tyre on the Zeus of Homer and Plato

Mikolaj Domaradzki, Tomasz Bednarek


The present article discusses the ingenious account of Zeus that was put forward by Maximus of Tyre in his Orations IV and XXVI. When reading into Homer various Platonic and Stoic concepts, Maximus originally amalgamates the notion of Demiurge with that of Providence. As he thus unearths Homer’s latent theology, Maximus not only praises the heritage of Greek culture but also demonstrates the close affinity between poetry and philosophy.


allegoresis; demiurge; fate; Homer; Maximus of Tyre; Plato; providence; Stoics – allegoresi; demiurgo; fato; Massimo di Tiro; Omero; Platone; provvidenza; Stoici.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2021-002-dobe

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