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Tracce dell’organizzazione di una figlina imperiale a Mursa

Mattia Vitelli Casella


This article aims at investigating the administration, the economic activities and the evolution of an imperial estate epigraphically attested in ancient Mursa, in Pannonia inferior, along the Drava river. Particularly, there are evidences of imperial slaves engaged in business management as well as many stamped bricks with different inscriptions. By matching these two types of epigraphs, it can be sketched that the property began its activities between the 1st and 2nd century AD, reached its maximum bricks production under Hadrian, in connection with the establishment of the colony, and went on until a sudden stop due to the Marcomannic invasion. Now, we are quite sure that the production resumed under the Severian dynasty, even if we do not know for how long it continued in the 3rd century, as is the case of neighboring provinces.


epigrafia latina; Mursa; Osijek; Pannonia; produzione laterizia; proprietà imperiali – bricks production; Imperial estates; Latin epigraphy; Mursa; Osijek; Pannonia.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2021-002-vite

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