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Two Safaitic Inscriptions in Comparison to Geographical and Historical Sources about the Arabian Expedition of Aelius Gallus

Adalberto Magnelli, Giuseppe Petrantoni


The aim of this work is to analyse the critical cruces about some geographical locations in reference to the western coast and the inland parts of the South Arabian and Nabataean area. In detail, the purpose of this research is to investigate the probable location of the port of Leuke Kome through a comparison between an epigraphic source written in Safaitic and some indication in Strabo’s account of the expedition of Aelius Gallus to Arabia Felix. In addition, a new reading of another Safaitic inscription mentioning a curious S1ly (Silleus?) could help to better understand some details of the Roman Arabian campaign too.


Aelius Gallus; ancient Arabian geography; Leuke Kome; Marib; Semitic inscriptions – Elio Gallo; geografia dell’Arabia antica; iscrizioni semitiche; Leuke Kome; Marib.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2023-001-mape

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