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La fondazione di Nicopoli tra ideologia e politica

Federico Russo



Nicopolis foundation betwenn ideology and politics

The paper aims at analyzing the multiple meanings that the foundation of Nicopolis by Octavianus implied. Whereas the modern scholarship commonly focuses on the ideological function of the foundation – namely the celebration of Octavianus’ victory over Antonius in the battle of Actium– it will be shown that Octavianus, by means of the foundation of the city, also aimed at conveying precise political messages both to those that supported him against Antonius and to the allies of the latter. The analysis of literary sources and epigraphic documents will also permit to explore some examples of responses among Greek communities to Octavianus’ victory at Actium and to the subsequent foundation of Nicopolis.


Antonio; battaglia di Azio; Erode; mito troiano; Nicopoli; Ottaviano; Antonius; battle of Actium; Herod; Nicopolis; Octavianus; Trojan myth

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2023-002-rusf

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