Mediating, Arbitrating, Crossing Borders Constantly: Athletes as Envoys
Starting from the observation that the role of former athletes as envoys has not been sufficiently analyzed yet, this article examines on what kind of diplomatic missions Hellenistic athletes were sent after their career. Of special interest are their functions as interstate arbitrators and mediators in political conflicts, roles which were often assumed in the context of political conflicts with or within federal states. It is striking that Elian victors mediated and arbitrated even in such disputes in which their hometown had been one of the conflicting parties. This is remarkable since it reveals what significant a role the prestige gained by an agonistic victory played for becoming appointed envoy. Another main reason for being nominated as ambassador consisted in the athletes’ prior life realities as cross-border commuters which allowed them to build strong social and political networks from an early age. No doubt, former athletes, often ‘heavy weights’, served in many different capacities on diplomatic missions of the highest importance.
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