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Tra Alessandro e gli Antigonidi: la carriera di Medio di Larisa

Luigi Gallo



From Alexander to the Antigonids: the career of Medeios of Larissa 

The contribution reviews the career of a Thessalian, Medeios from Larisa, who, after participating in the expedition of Alexander the Great, militated in the service of the Antigonids, becoming a close associate of Antigonos and remaining loyal to the dynasty even after his death. It is precisely this militancy in the service of the Antigonids, it is argued here, that could be the basis of a tradition according to which Medeios was an associate in the alleged conspiracy of which Alexander was a victim: indeed, it is likely that this tradition arose in the context of the propaganda war that broke out between the successors after the king’s death.


Alessandro Magno; Antigono Monoftalmo; Demetrio Poliorcete; guerra di propaganda; Medio; Alexander the Great; Antigonos the One-Eyed; Demetrios Poliorketes; Medeios; propaganda war

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2023-002-gall

Copyright (©) 2023 Luigi Gallo – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie

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