Parthenius, Erotica Pathemata 26 e la storiografia locale milesia. Riflessioni sulle annotazioni al codice Palatinus Heidelbergensis gr. 398
Parthenius, Erotica Pathemata 26 and the local Milesian historiography. Considerations on the annotations to the codex Palatinus Heidelbergensis gr. 398
This paper consists of an examination of some main aspects and problems of the notes that the Codex Pal. gr. 398 preserves on Parthenius’ Erotika Pathemata. It further systematically examines some characteristic features of the annotation work with the aim of a historiographical reading of the phenomenon. This contribution mainly examines the notes of Pathema 26 (f. 186r), the features of which might allow us to shed light on the annotations in their genesis and contribute to the understanding of at least some aspects of fragments of local historiography traceable in the notes.
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