«Aristodemo» in Cod. Par. Suppl. Gr. 607
The identity of the historian «Aristodemos», number 104 of Jacoby’s Fragmente der Greichischen Historicher, is based upon a note in the upper margin of the page ξζ (83v) of Cod. Par. Suppl. Gr. 607. The aim of this article is to verify this and demonstrate that this is just a way chosen from the copyist to help the reader in finding his way back in a booklet which is affected by an error which makes it difficult to follow the order of the different parts. Aristodemos is a name contained in the piece of text which the copyist refers to, not the name of a new historian as the first editor has made many think. A full description of all events in the booklet is given to support the contextualization of the note.
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2015-002-liuz
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