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Elezioni europee 2014: verso l’europeizzazione dello spazio pubblico?

Marinella Belluati


Starting from the debate between the Europeanization of the public sphere, the last electoral campaign was a good observation point to measure the level of integration of European public debate. There are fields of interests where Europe is able to define itself as the chief leader of the discourses and the states absorb and react. For example, we see this when discussing Euroscepticism. On the contrary, when looking at other topics, for instance, the campaign of the European leaders and gender imbalance, Europe tries to influence the discourses, but the countries are not affected. These two points of view are more evident during the electoral campaign, when the domestic and European interests trigger a common public debate. Starting from a content analysis research, carried out on five European newspapers (Le Monde, The Guardian, El País, La Stampa and Süddeutsche Zeitung), we looked at the electorate coverage and we measured the visibility of the electoral topics and the actors involved in the 2014 EU campaign elections. The main result is that there are signs of Europeanisation when looking at national debates, however, the dominant approach is still national oriented.


elezioni; europeizzazione; euroscetticismo; media; sfera pubblica europea; European election; European public sphere; Europeanization; Euroscepticism

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/lcm-2015-002-bell

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Lingue Culture Mediazioni - Languages Cultures Mediation
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (27/11/2013 n. 380)
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Università degli Studi di Milano

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