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Ancillary revenues in some sectors of the tourist industry

Renata Imbruglia


The aim of this paper is to highlight the role of ancillary revenue, revenue generated from the sale of goods and services that differ from or enhance the main service or product lines of a company. They are also called extra-core business. The recent world economic crisis has strongly reduced profits for many companies. Ancillary revenue is part of the strategy that has been embraced by many enterprises in different sectors of the tourist industry. We consider the hotel industry, the cruise and air transport sectors.


ancillary, industry, revenue, services, tourism, ancillare, industria, ricavi, servizi, turismo

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Copyright (©) – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie

Rivista di Scienze del Turismo. Ambiente Cultura Diritto Economia
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (15/09/2008 n. 530)
Online ISSN 2037-7908 - Print ISSN 2037-7916

Executive Editor: Nicola Boccella - Associate Editor: Azzurra Rinaldi
Editorial Staff: Andrea Billi - Patrizia Laurano - Antonio Magliulo - Angelo Quarto
Editorial Board: Alberto Abruzzese (Iulm Milano), Victor Aquino (Universidade de São Paulo), Sergio Arzeni (Ocse), Piero Barucci (Università degli Studi di Firenze), Nicola Boccella (Sapienza Università di Roma), Michael Crang (Durham University), Anya Diekmann (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Renato Guarini (Sapienza Università di Roma), Roberto Grossi (Federculture), Han Yong Liang (Zhejiang University), Jorge Lozano (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Michel Maffesoli (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Vanda Perretta (Sapienza Università di Roma), Marina Righetti (Sapienza Università di Roma), Azzurra Rinaldi (Unitelma - Sapienza Università di Roma), Irene Salerno (Sapienza Università di Roma), Pasquale Sandulli (Sapienza Università di Roma), Manuel Valenzuela (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)