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Emotional Dysregulation: The Clinical Intervention of Psychodynamic University Counselling

Francesca Menozzi, Nico Gizzi, Maria Teresa Tucci, Nazarena Patrizi, Mauro Mosca


The present work aims to discuss the psychodynamic treatment provided in a Counselling Centre for University Students. We present the methodology and procedure of Counselling University Services psychodynamically oriented: the treatment consists of four weekly sessions and a fifth session three months later (follow-up). We will focus on a very frequent clinical topic reported by university students: emotional dysregulation. We will provide two clinical vignettes and report the main effects obtained by psychodynamic counselling on developing adaptive psychological functioning related to an increase in socialization and behavioural autonomy, as well as a greater definition of identity. Finally, in the light of the reflections illustrated, we underline the importance of promoting university counselling services to help students find more functional strategies in their emotion regulation process: from the capacity to read one’s emotional states and to give them meaning, to the development of the more adaptive behavioural responses to cope with the developmental tasks and the inevitably linked academic performance.


Adaptive functioning; Clinical vignettes; Emotional dysregulation; University counselling; University students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/ecps-2016-014-meno

Copyright (©) 2016 Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal) – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie


Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS)
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (19/05/2010 n. 278)
Online ISSN 2037-7924 - Print ISSN 2037-7932

Research Laboratory on Didactics and Evaluation - Department of Education - "Roma Tre" University

Executive Editor: Gaetano Domenici - Associate Executive Editor & Managing  Editor: Valeria Biasci
Editorial Board: Eleftheria Argyropoulou - Massimo Baldacci - Joao Barroso - Richard Bates - Christofer Bezzina - Paolo Bonaiuto - Lucia Boncori - Pietro Boscolo - Sara Bubb  - Carlo Felice Casula - Jean-Émile Charlier - Lucia Chiappetta Cajola - Carmela Covato - Jean-Louis Derouet - Peter Early - Franco Frabboni - Constance Katz - James Levin - Pietro Lucisano  - Roberto Maragliano - Romuald Normand - Michael Osborne - Donatella Palomba - Michele Pellerey - Clotilde Pontecorvo - Vitaly V. Rubtzov - Jaap Scheerens - Noah W. Sobe - Francesco Susi - Giuseppe Spadafora - Pat Thomson
Editorial Staff: Fabio Alivernini - Guido Benvenuto - Anna Maria Ciraci - Massimiliano Fiorucci - Luca Mallia - Massimo Margottini - Giovanni Moretti - Carla Roverselli 
Editorial Secretary:
Nazarena Patrizi 

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