Development of Habits of Mind Instruments in the Context of Basic Physics Practicum: EFA and Rasch Model
Assessing the habits of mind among prospective teachers is an essential part of learning. Therefore, this research aims to develop the habits of mind instrument in the context of basic physics practicum. It was conducted using the research and development method which has three stages namely (1) planning the test, (2) implementing the test, and (3) determining the validity and reliability. The sample consisted of 105 biology teacher candidates taking basic physics courses. The habits of mind instrument developed was in the form of a questionnaire consisting of 52 items and is related to basic physics practicum. Furthermore, exploratory factor analysis and the Rasch model approach were used in developing the instrument. Based on expert judgment using Fleiss Kappa, the content validity was 0.700 and was classified in the good category. The developed instrument was considered reliable based on Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.970. The exploratory factor analysis reduced the dimensions of the instrument to 11 factors. The analysis of the Rasch model met the element of unidimensionality. There is no bias on the instrument based on gender and place of residence. However, efforts are needed to overcome the lack of creative thinking habits among prospective biology teachers.
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