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Verso la valutazione a sostegno dell’apprendimento. Uno studio esplorativo nella scuola primaria

Maria Lucia Giovannini, Margherita Boni


Towards Formative Assessment as Support in Learning. An Exploratory Study in Primary School

This article outlines the development of the debate on classroom assessment used to promote learning and reflective learning processes. A few examples from an exploratory study on classroom practices of assessment for learning in two primary school classes describing pupils’ beliefs and opinions about marks, mistakes, written comments/feedback and success and failure are used to discuss the relation of these facilitating or inhibiting factors to the implementation of assessment for learning in the classroom. These class interventions concerning learners’ personal assessment conceptions aimed to overcome a traditional grading assessment practice and a negative experience of mistakes in order to improve learners’ responsibility on a co-developed action plan and to enhance active involvement in the learning process. The final comment highlights the contradiction between the reintroduction of marks which fosters the use of classroom assessment primarily for grading, and the pedagogical potential of classroom assessment to support pupil learning. The article concludes by discussing the implications of the assessment culture and the importance of teachers’ professional development and change of beliefs.


Assessment for learning; Exploratory study; Formative assessment; Primary school; Pupils’ views; Convinzioni degli studenti sulla valutazione; Scuola primaria; Studio esplorativo; Valutazione formativa; Valutazione per l’apprendimento

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Copyright (©) 2014 Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal) – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie


Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS)
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (19/05/2010 n. 278)
Online ISSN 2037-7924 - Print ISSN 2037-7932

Research Laboratory on Didactics and Evaluation - Department of Education - "Roma Tre" University

Executive Editor: Gaetano Domenici - Associate Executive Editor & Managing  Editor: Valeria Biasci
Editorial Board: Eleftheria Argyropoulou - Massimo Baldacci - Joao Barroso - Richard Bates - Christofer Bezzina - Paolo Bonaiuto - Lucia Boncori - Pietro Boscolo - Sara Bubb  - Carlo Felice Casula - Jean-Émile Charlier - Lucia Chiappetta Cajola - Carmela Covato - Jean-Louis Derouet - Peter Early - Franco Frabboni - Constance Katz - James Levin - Pietro Lucisano  - Roberto Maragliano - Romuald Normand - Michael Osborne - Donatella Palomba - Michele Pellerey - Clotilde Pontecorvo - Vitaly V. Rubtzov - Jaap Scheerens - Noah W. Sobe - Francesco Susi - Giuseppe Spadafora - Pat Thomson
Editorial Staff: Fabio Alivernini - Guido Benvenuto - Anna Maria Ciraci - Massimiliano Fiorucci - Luca Mallia - Massimo Margottini - Giovanni Moretti - Carla Roverselli 
Editorial Secretary:
Nazarena Patrizi 

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