Corso di Studio e «Community Learning»: prospettive di modello
Degree Course and «Community Learning»: Modelling Perspectives
The recent use, in economic contexts, of the conceptual opposition between «mark-tomarket » and «mark-to-model» expressions would appear to be relevant also in the organizational analysis of university degree courses. To this end, the «case» of a specific Bachelor’s degree course was analysed within an adult education and lifelong learning perspective. From an epistemological standpoint, the analysis was based on the application of the «community of practice» paradigm by focusing on the following aspects: the historical location of the learning process (situated learning); the simultaneous presence of specific «reified objects» within different «communities» (separated and identified by defined organizational «boundaries»); «brokering» connections, that is, «connections provided by people who can introduce elements of one practice into another» (Wenger, 1998). The aforesaid conditions provide a basis in order to align educational design practices with an action strategy including: multi-membership experiences; the styles and discourses typical of different socio-cultural «constellations»; and the institutional participation of co-operating social actors. In view of all the above, this initial «case study» reveals the typical failings of the Italian university system that is widely geared to uncritical «mark-to-market» strategies.
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PDFCopyright (©) 2014 Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal) – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie
Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS)
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (19/05/2010 n. 278)
Online ISSN 2037-7924 - Print ISSN 2037-7932
Research Laboratory on Didactics and Evaluation - Department of Education - "Roma Tre" University
Executive Editor: Gaetano Domenici - Associate Executive Editor & Managing Editor: Valeria Biasci
Editorial Board: Eleftheria Argyropoulou - Massimo Baldacci - Joao Barroso - Richard Bates - Christofer Bezzina - Paolo Bonaiuto - Lucia Boncori - Pietro Boscolo - Sara Bubb - Carlo Felice Casula - Jean-Émile Charlier - Lucia Chiappetta Cajola - Carmela Covato - Jean-Louis Derouet - Peter Early - Franco Frabboni - Constance Katz - James Levin - Pietro Lucisano - Roberto Maragliano - Romuald Normand - Michael Osborne - Donatella Palomba - Michele Pellerey - Clotilde Pontecorvo - Vitaly V. Rubtzov - Jaap Scheerens - Noah W. Sobe - Francesco Susi - Giuseppe Spadafora - Pat Thomson
Editorial Staff: Fabio Alivernini - Guido Benvenuto - Anna Maria Ciraci - Massimiliano Fiorucci - Luca Mallia - Massimo Margottini - Giovanni Moretti - Carla Roverselli
Editorial Secretary:Nazarena Patrizi
© 2001 LED Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto