Una mappa per l’e-learning
A Map for E-learning
The three dimensions of the conceptual representation proposed here for e-learning are technological, educational and epistemological. The opposition between traditional and progressive education nowadays does not mean that technology is the solution to pedagogical problems. Learning experiences can be organized in different ways, none of them decided by the technology used. We have to know that online learning poses not only educational challenges, but also major problems in terms of technology, epistemology and didactics. The purpose of this work is to build a multi-dimensional map that will be useful to identify and analyze different e-learning projects and products, both the traditional and the innovative ones. The universities will increasingly have to deal with such problems in the future, and should be able to solve them with big changes in their identity. Are MOOCs the way for these changes? It is too early to decide. That is why we need maps and experiences.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/ecps-2014-010-mara
Copyright (©) 2014 Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal) – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie
Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS)
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (19/05/2010 n. 278)
Online ISSN 2037-7924 - Print ISSN 2037-7932
Research Laboratory on Didactics and Evaluation - Department of Education - "Roma Tre" University
Executive Editor: Gaetano Domenici - Associate Executive Editor & Managing Editor: Valeria Biasci
Editorial Board: Eleftheria Argyropoulou - Massimo Baldacci - Joao Barroso - Richard Bates - Christofer Bezzina - Paolo Bonaiuto - Lucia Boncori - Pietro Boscolo - Sara Bubb - Carlo Felice Casula - Jean-Émile Charlier - Lucia Chiappetta Cajola - Carmela Covato - Jean-Louis Derouet - Peter Early - Franco Frabboni - Constance Katz - James Levin - Pietro Lucisano - Roberto Maragliano - Romuald Normand - Michael Osborne - Donatella Palomba - Michele Pellerey - Clotilde Pontecorvo - Vitaly V. Rubtzov - Jaap Scheerens - Noah W. Sobe - Francesco Susi - Giuseppe Spadafora - Pat Thomson
Editorial Staff: Fabio Alivernini - Guido Benvenuto - Anna Maria Ciraci - Massimiliano Fiorucci - Luca Mallia - Massimo Margottini - Giovanni Moretti - Carla Roverselli
Editorial Secretary:Nazarena Patrizi
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