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Call for Papers: Vol. 13 (2025)

Erga-Logoi is a peer-reviewed open-access journal of ancient history, literature, law and culture, as broadly conceived in geographical and chronological terms. The journal embraces a unified approach to the ancient world, rejecting sectional perspectives for an interdisciplinary focus.

The journal welcomes author submission of original and significant contributions of historical, philological, literary, archaeological, artistic, and legal nature.

Articles submitted should be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and should report unpublished research results.

From the home page you will have to follow the For Authors link.
We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal policies, as well as the Submissions page and the Author Guidelines for information on the upload procedure. 

All submitted works considered suitable for review will undergo anonymous double-blind review process.

Papers will be evaluated by at least 2 referees and, following their indications, will be either accepted, or returned to the authors for corrections, or rejected. The final decision will be given within three months of receipt.