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Un’ampolla in vetro blu nell’antica Bergomum

Elena Gritti


This paper presents an unusual blue bunch of grapes-shaped ampulla from ancient Bergomum. The aim is the analysis of the types of glasses of bunch grapesshaped. According to the spread of these glasses and the find of a sample in Bergamo, this paper offers a possible case study of trade channels between the Levant, first area of production of these samples, and northern Italy.


ampolla blu a forma di grappolo d’uva; Bergomum; commerci mediterranei; Levante; vetri in età imperiale – Bergomum; blue bunch of grapes-shaped ampulla; Levant; Mediterranean trade; Roman glass vessels in the Roman Empire.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2021-001-grit

Copyright (©) 2021 Elena Gritti – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie

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