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Le Periochae liviane (e le altre): per la definizione di un ‘genere’

Tommaso Ricchieri


Livy’s Periochae have always been studied to assess their dependence from Livy and their contribution to our knowledge of his lost books. This article approaches them as a self-standing text and compares them to other summaries of ancient texts which go under the same name (e.g. periochae to Terence, Homer and Lucan). It is suggested that Livy’s Periochae should be viewed not only as one of the many epitomes of Livy which spread in Late antiquity, but also as representative of a literary ‘genre’ to which other late antique summaries of major classical works belong.


argumenta; epitomi; genere letterario; indici; Livio; periochae; riassunti – Argumenta; epitomes; indexes; literary genre; Livy; periochae; summaries.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2022-001-tric

Copyright (©) 2022 Tommaso Ricchieri – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie

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