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Between Tyranny and Democracy: Political Exiles and the History of Heraclea Pontica

Rita Laura Loddo


In the surviving fragments of his treatise On Heraclea the historian Memnon assigns a central role to the exiles from Heraclea. As opponents of tyranny, they represented a destabilising element, a constant danger to the survival of the Clearchid regime. This article explores the events that led to the banishment of the exiles, reconstructs the politics of expulsion implemented by the tyrants, and clarifies the status of the exiles and their political orientation in the light of Memnon’s frequent juxtaposition of the exiles’ demand to return to their homeland and the restoration of democracy.


Alexander the Great; Clearchids; Clearchus of Heraclea; Democracy; Exiles; Heraclea Pontica; Letters of Chion; Memnon of Heraclea; Sinope; Tyranny – Alessandro Magno; Clearchidi; Clearco di Eraclea; Democrazia; Eraclea Pontica; Esili; Lettere di Chione; M

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2022-001-llod

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