Il decreto del pritaneo e la concessione della sitesis nel V secolo
This paper considers litterary evidence about sitesis in the fifth century in order to determinate the date and the recipients of the Prytaneion Decree. In particular, Aristophanes’ criticism on the granting of sitesis to manteis and generals suggests that the decree should be placed in the years immediatly prior to 424 a.C., probably supported by the most radical faction of Athenian democracy.
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Erga-Logoi. Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (20/09/2012 n. 353)
Online ISSN 2282-3212 - Print ISSN 2280-9678
Executive Editor: Cinzia Bearzot
Editorial Staff: Paolo A. Tuci (Coordinator) - Marcello Bertoli - Livia De Martinis - Laura Loddo - Annabella Oranges - Alessandra Valentini
Editorial Board: Gaetano Arena - Christopher A. Baron - Ralf Behrwald - Margherita Cassia - Paolo Cesaretti - Michele Faraguna - Massimo Gioseffi - Dominique Lenfant - Lauretta Maganzani - Roberto Nicolai - Giovanni Parmeggiani - Marina Polito - Umberto Roberto - Francesca Rohr - Marco Sannazaro - Stefan Schorn - Sławomir Sprawski - Paolo A. Tuci - Gianpaolo Urso - José Vela Tejada
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