Ingiusta e sanguinaria? Atene-Periandro nel discorso di Socle corinzio (Her. V 92)
The ironical processes and the allusions to contemporary events in Herodotus’ Histories have recently aroused a growing interest among scholars, with a special focus on his concern about «Athenian imperialism». Specifically, the importance of herodotean irony per analogiam has been recently recognized in the first section of Socles’ speech (V 92 β-ε) about Cypselus’ deeds. The aim of this paper is to point out – drawing on the distinction between the intradiegetic and extradiegetic levels of the discourse – the remarkable allusions to contemporary Athens also in the second section of the same speech (V 92 ζ-η), devoted to Periander’s carrier, and to show Herodotus’ interest in «rise and fall» pattern.
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