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Testimonianze sulla prostituzione a Sparta. La bella aulonita e l’etèra Cottina

Roberto Capel Badino


Review of the ancient evidences about the practice of prostitution in Sparta from the archaic till the Hellenistic time. The paper discusses the testimonies offered by Plutarch and Clement, concerning the organization of prostitution in Spartan law, and by Xenophon and Polemon, who both provide information about female figures of Spartan prostitutes.


Athenaeus; Clemens; Cinadon; gender; hetaira; Plutarch; Polemon; prostitution; Spartan law; women history; Xenophon; Ateneo; Cinadone; Clemente; Cottina; etèra; genere; legge spartana; Plutarco; Polemone; prostituzione; Senofonte; storia delle donne

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2015-002-cape

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