Alle soglie del ‘ruler cult’. Atene nell’età di Demetrio del Falero
Athens of the 4th century BC (in particular, 324 BC onwards) is often seen as the pivotal polis in political and religious matters, especially concerning the introduction of divine cults. By drawing the attention to these important aspects, one risks to undervalue the subtle but noticeable change of mentality from the 5th century on to the Hellenistic Ages and, on the other side, the attempt to preserve the religious tradition. Before the significant cultic innovations introduced for the Antigonids, the gouvernement of Demetrios of Phaleron constitues an important and discussed precedent on this matter according to literary sources. Nevertheless the high criticism of many ancient authors on this philosopher and statesman must be evalued in its historical and political context and we should better consider Peripatetic leader’s behaviour particularly as a step for the emergence of personality in the Hellenistic times.
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– Abbreviazioni:
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