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Citazioni poetiche nei frammenti di Diocle di Magnesia: tra poesia, filosofia e storiografia

Pietro Zaccaria


This paper deals with three fragments of the Hellenistic biographer Diokles of Magnesia in which he ascribes three poetic quotations from Sophokles and Homer to three philosophers, namely Aristippos, Diogenes of Sinope and Krates. These attributions, which are presented as ipsissima verba uttered by the philosophers themselves, were probably inserted by Diokles in order to defend his personal philosophical views.


Aristippos; Diogenes Laertios; Diogenes of Sinope; Diokles of Magnesia; Krates of Thebes; Aristippo; Cratete di Tebe; Diocle di Magnesia; Diogene di Sinope; Diogene Laerzio

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2016-001-zacc

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