Conflicts in Schools: Causative Factors and Resolution Strategies
This paper is an effort in reviewing and assembling the research findings of different researchers on the factors that cause conflicts in schools and the strategies adopted by schools for conflict resolution. The research is limited to certain databases only. The basis for selecting relevant literature for this study is their accessibility, language (English) and relevancy to the topic and only those research papers that highlight teacher-teacher conflicts and teacher-administration conflicts have been selected. The several factors that emerged from the study were classified as Structural and Personal factors only. The originality of this paper rests in an attempt to attract the attention of the research community towards the factors that lead to conflicts in schools and an insight into the strategies used by the school administration to resolve them. This study also recommends that school administrators be trained to identify at least some factors responsible for conflicts among their staff, even among the students of the school so that they can resolve it in a better way.
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Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS)
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