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Super-Ego after Freud: A Lesson not to Be Forgotten

Luigi Traetta, Federica Doronzo


The aim of this paper is to retrace the evolution of the super-ego, in psychoanalysis and phenomenology, describing its effects on education, starting with the formation of individual morality. In the broadest sense, the reflection concerns not only the role that the family can play in this direction, but above all the contribution that schools can make to the formation of individual morality. The structuring of the super-ego is thus built up in the family system by being influenced by the socio-educational environment. The importance of a healthy structuring of the super-ego emerges in the increased risk of alteration of the intersubjective sphere, in cases of dysregulation of the super-ego, a process that is fundamental to psychotic disorder.


education; socio-educational environment; super-ego

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/elem-2021-0102-trdo

Copyright (©) 2021 Luigi Traetta, Federica Doronzo – Editorial format and Graphical layout: copyright (©) LED Edizioni Universitarie

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Call for papers Vol 4 (2024) - No 1-2 - "Sustainability"
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Elementa. Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives
Registered by Tribunale di Milano 2361/2021 (29/12/2021) - RG n. 16898/2021
Electronic edition ISSN 2785-4426 - Print edition ISSN 2785-4558 

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università degli Studi di Foggia

Chief Editor: Paolo Ponzio
Editorial Board: Luigi Traetta (Co-chief editor) - Giusi Antonia Toto (Co-chief Editor) - Antonio Ascione - Oscar Barroso - Alessandra Beccarisi - Leonardo Carlucci - Marco Ceccarelli - Antonio Clericuzio - Antonio Criado - Jean-Paul De Lucca - Raffaele Di Fuccio - Davide Di Palma - Ricardo Espinoza Lolas - Costantino Esposito - Marco Forlivesi - Teun Koetsier - Francesco Marrone - Gilles Olivò - Carla Rita Palmerino - Pasquale Porro - Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani - Alessia Scarinci - Domenico Tafuri - Baichun Zhang.
Editorial Staff: Tommaso Sgarro (managing editor) - Lucia Borrelli - Marco di Furia - Federica Doronzo - Francesca Finestrone - Piergiorgio Guarini - Maria Anna Misuriello - Giuliana Nardacchione - Guendalina Peconio - Sara Perrella - Benedetta Ragni - Martina Rossi - Daniela Savino - Luigi Tateo.

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