Educating for Transition in Work Contexts
Today’s scenarios of constant transformation of society call for a necessary reflection on work from an exquisitely pedagogical point of view, in consideration of the multiple transitions that we are witnessing because of phenomena such as progress, forced digitization, the Covid-19 pandemic, conflicts and economic-financial crises. It’s essential to move, for an education to the transition to the Recommendation of 18 December 2006 of the European Parliament on key competences for lifelong learning, from learning to learn. It is one of the eight competences, but essentially the most characterizing so that “learners take the starting point from what they have previously learned and from their life experiences to use and apply knowledge and skills in a whole range of contexts: at home, at work, in education and training”.
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Call for papers Vol 4 (2024) - No 1-2 - "Sustainability"
Authors have to read through the Information for Authors and the Author guidelines carefully before beginning the submission process.
- Deadline for paper submission: March 31, 2024 (philosophical essays) – July 25, 2024 (epistemological and pedagogical essays)
- Notification of paper acceptance: April 1, 2024 (philosophical essays) – July 27, 2024 (epistemological and pedagogical essays)
- Request for revision following peer review: April 15, 2024 (philosophical essays) – September 15, 2024 (epistemological and pedagogical essays)
- Deadline for revised version submission: April 30, 2024 (philosophical essays) – September 30, 2024 (epistemological and pedagogical essays
- Publication: June 30, 2024 (philosophical essays) – December 15, 2024 (epistemological and pedagogical essays)
Elementa. Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives
Registered by Tribunale di Milano 2361/2021 (29/12/2021) - RG n. 16898/2021
Electronic edition ISSN 2785-4426 - Print edition ISSN 2785-4558
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università degli Studi di Foggia
Chief Editor: Paolo Ponzio
Editorial Board: Luigi Traetta (Co-chief editor) - Giusi Antonia Toto (Co-chief Editor) - Antonio Ascione - Oscar Barroso - Alessandra Beccarisi - Leonardo Carlucci - Marco Ceccarelli - Antonio Clericuzio - Antonio Criado - Jean-Paul De Lucca - Raffaele Di Fuccio - Davide Di Palma - Ricardo Espinoza Lolas - Costantino Esposito - Marco Forlivesi - Teun Koetsier - Francesco Marrone - Gilles Olivò - Carla Rita Palmerino - Pasquale Porro - Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani - Alessia Scarinci - Domenico Tafuri - Baichun Zhang.
Editorial Staff: Tommaso Sgarro (managing editor) - Lucia Borrelli - Marco di Furia - Federica Doronzo - Francesca Finestrone - Piergiorgio Guarini - Maria Anna Misuriello - Giuliana Nardacchione - Guendalina Peconio - Sara Perrella - Benedetta Ragni - Martina Rossi - Daniela Savino - Luigi Tateo.
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