The Gift Paradigm: Towards a Science of “total social facts”
In this essay I argue that Marcel Mauss’s “Essay on the Gift” (1925) is not only intended to inaugurate a new paradigm on the terrain of ethnology and anthropology, but at the same time to make the gift a kind of novum organum of the social sciences and of moral and political philosophy itself. In the first part, I reconstructed the critique that M. Merleau-Ponty and C. Lefort have made to Lévi-Strauss’s “structuralist” reading of Mauss, and, in a second part, I emphasised the importance that M. Hénaff assigned to the ceremonial gift of traditional societies as an intentional procedure of public mutual recognition between groups. But, using some of A. Caillé’s indications, I explain that this device of mutual recognition and alliance, characteristic of the gift cycle (giving/receiving/ reciprocating) also applies in modern societies whenever legal-political institutions become sclerotized and lose their legitimacy in the face of new actors in political action (newcomers or new arrivals, to use the Arendtian category of natality in a broad sense).
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Call for papers Vol 4 (2024) - No 1-2 - "Sustainability"
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Elementa. Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives
Registered by Tribunale di Milano 2361/2021 (29/12/2021) - RG n. 16898/2021
Electronic edition ISSN 2785-4426 - Print edition ISSN 2785-4558
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università degli Studi di Foggia
Chief Editor: Paolo Ponzio
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