The Enduring Relevance of Mauss’ Essai sur le don
The author rereads Mauss’ “Essay on the Gift” to focus on the essential differences between the archaic gift and the modern gift, the first of which is the separation between people and things. In fact, if in so-called primitive societies the gift is a “total welfare” (religious, economic, social, political), in modern societies the circulation of things becomes autonomous and we find the gift in the sphere of primary ties and, only partially, in those of the market and the state. The paradox of the gift, which Mauss emphasises, is its being a mélange of obligation and freedom: why do we in turn give when we receive something as a gift? This aspect – reciprocating the thing received – in Māori society is referred to as “hau” and contains the identity of the giver: the gift encloses, in a way, the self of the giver. For Mauss, even in modern society, presenting something to someone implies presenting something of the Self. Even when it comes to the gift between strangers, such as the gift of blood or the gift of organs, it expresses the social identity of the giver and the recipient, since it can be perceived as society’s recognition of a general gift or of the recipient’s belonging to this society.
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Call for papers Vol 4 (2024) - No 1-2 - "Sustainability"
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Elementa. Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives
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Electronic edition ISSN 2785-4426 - Print edition ISSN 2785-4558
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università degli Studi di Foggia
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