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Rivista di diritto romano

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Rivista di diritto romano. Periodico di storia del diritto romano, di diritti antichi e della tradizione romanistica medioevale e moderna, fondata da Ferdinando Zuccotti nel 2001, può vantarsi di essere stata la prima rivista in discipline romanistiche a essere realizzata su supporto informatico e a essere diffusa sul web, nonché tra le prime in assoluto tra le riviste scientifiche italiane a offrire l’accesso libero a quanto pubblicato.

La Rivista esce con cadenza annuale in forma anche cartacea e accoglie, con il filtro della pratica di revisione tra pari (peer review), contributi in diritto romano e in altri diritti del mondo antico, ma anche saggi che riguardino il diritto romano nel più vasto quadro delle vicende da esso conosciute nella storia del diritto europeo ed extraeuropeo.

Il passaggio, nell'anno 2023, alla piattaforma Open Journal Systems (OJS) arricchisce la Rivista con gli strumenti più aggiornati per migliorarne l’indicizzazione e  l’internazionalizzazione.
Per la Presentazione del 2001 e la Presentazione della nuova serie avviata nel 2015 si rinvia a questo link).


Rivista di diritto romano. Periodico di storia del diritto romano, di diritti antichi e della tradizione romanistica medioevale e moderna, founded by Ferdinando Zuccotti in 2001, can boast of being the first journal in the Roman law discipline to be produced on IT support and to be disseminated on the web as well as among the first ever among Italian scientific journals to offer free open access to what is published.

The journal is also published annually in printed form and welcomes, through the filter of peer review, contributions in Roman law and other laws in the antiquity, as well as essays on Roman law in the broader framework of the events it has witnessed in the history of European and extra European law.

The transition, in the year 2023, to the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform enriches the Journal with the most up-to-date tools to increase its indexing and internationalization.
For the 2001 Presentation and the Presentation of the new series launched in 2015 please refer to this link).

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Geography Notebooks

Geography Notebooks / Quaderni di Geografia / Cahiers de Géographie / Cuadernos de Geografía is a scientific journal of human geography published in four languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish). This journal purports to be a forum for debate devoted to the promotion of the theoretical, methodological and thematic investigation in all the fields of geographical research. For this reason the journal aims to investigate the complex regional diversity of the planet, which is due to a combination of natural and anthropic elements, also through the analysis of the representations of specific places and narratives produced by the territorial action of human groups.

Geography Notebooks / Quaderni di Geografia / Cahiers de Géographie / Cuadernos de Geografía has therefore the ambition to present the variety of human geography, in its descriptive, rationalist, structuralist, functionalist, quantitative, regional aspects. At the same time, it aims to give space to humanistic, immaterial, symbolic and communicative dimensions, which bear values, aspirations, ambitions, spirituality, deriving from historical, cultural, identity and gender differences. In this perspective, the journal is necessarily inter- and multi- disciplinary also to be coherent with a strong tendency in contemporary human geography that conceives the interrelation with other disciplines as the prerequisite for the study of the complexity of the "world system". For these reasons this international journal welcomes not only articles of geographers but also works that fall into various disciplines in social sciences, humanities and earth system sciences. The journal is so open to all the researchers whose contribution can enhance the plurality of points of view about the relations between humans and the Earth.

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Lingue Culture Mediazioni - Languages Cultures Mediation (LCM Journal)

Lingue Culture Mediazioni / Languages Cultures Mediation, edited by the Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations of Università degli Studi di Milano,  is a peer-reviewed open-access journal which aims to investigate the linguistic and cultural phenomena characterising the contemporary world, and explore them in the context of the highly intricate web of historical, geographical, social and legal factors in which they are set.

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Lingue Culture Mediazioni / Languages Cultures Mediation, pubblicata a cura del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, è una rivista open access soggetta a peer-review che si propone di indagare i fenomeni linguistici e culturali propri del mondo contemporaneo nel contesto delle fitte reti di fattori storici, geografici, sociali e giuridici ad essi sottostanti. 

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Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal)

The Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies aims to be an inclusive central repository for high quality research reports, reviews, theoretical and empirical articles. The Journal serves as an interdisciplinary forum for theoretical and empirical studies of pedagogical, psychological, historical and sociological issues.
As well as research reports, the Journal publishes theoretical and review articles. Research reports are quantitative or qualitative depending upon the methods employed by the researcher. All articles are addressed to a research audience, to teachers and trainers working in schools and in vocational training, and to scholars in allied disciplines in all the human sciences.

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Elementa. Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives

The journal Elementa. Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives was created to be a multidisciplinary “repository” on the central themes of educationally and socially relevant issues for university academics. From the theoretical perspective of philosophy, questions are posed, unpublished dimensions of research are presented, and their practical psychological and pedagogical repercussions are analyzed. The theory and theoretical visions are characterized by concrete research and experimentation in an educational context. Methodologically, the research uses qualitative and quantitative techniques to promote the analysis of social and educational phenomena. From this perspective, the journal and its calls will be characterized by two sections or thematic areas: a first section dedicated to theoretical reflections on philosophy and epistemology and a second section relating to empirical research in psychology and experimental pedagogy. Experts and researchers from multiple disciplinary fields are invited to propose their contributions to the topics investigated by the journal.

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Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism

Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism is a peer-refereed journal of trans-anthropocentric ethics and related inquiries. The main aim of the journal is to create a professional interdisciplinary forum in Europe to discuss moral and scientific issues that concern the increasing need of going beyond narrow anthropocentric paradigms in all fields of knowledge. The journal accepts submissions on all topics which promote European research adopting a non-anthropocentric ethical perspective on both interspecific and intraspecific relationships between all life species – humans included – and between these and the abiotic environment.

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Erga-Logoi. Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità


Erga-Logoi is a peer-reviewed journal of ancient history, literature, law and culture, as broadly conceived in geographical and chronological terms. Evoking Thucydides' methodological exordium (although in that context the opposition obviously has a different value), the name of the Journal was chosen to reflect its intention of looking at the ancient world paying attention to both “facts” (historical events, artistic production, material culture) and “words” (literary, historical, legal production in its oral and written forms).

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Erga-Logoi è una rivista, soggetta a peer-review, di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità; un concetto, quest'ultimo, da intendere in senso ampio sul piano dell'estensione geografica e cronologica. Il titolo è stato scelto per sottolineare, evocando il proemio metodologico di Tucidide - benché la contrapposizione abbia ovviamente, in quel contesto, valore diverso -, l'intento di guardare al mondo antico prestando attenzione sia al "fatto" (gli eventi storici, la produzione artistica, la cultura materiale), sia al "detto" (il discorso poetico, letterario, storico, normativo nella sua forma orale e scritta).

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Linguæ & - Rivista di lingue e culture moderne

Linguæ & is a peer-reviewed journal which provides a new outlet for interdisciplinary research on language and literature, giving voice to a cross-cultural and multi-genre koine. While the idea for the journal was developed in the ambit of the post-graduate programme in European Intercultural Studies at the University of Urbino, Italy, its scope goes far beyond that of exploring pre-established cultural paradigms. Indeed, its strongly experimental and dialogic approach to the ongoing debate should serve as encouragement for the submission of new work by young researchers. 

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Linguæ &
 è una rivista “peer-reviewed” che vuole aprire uno spazio di ricerca interdisciplinare a chi si interessa di lingue e letterature come espressioni di una koiné culturale che attraversa le frontiere e i generi. Nata dall’esperienza del Dottorato di ricerca in Studi interculturali europei attivato presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali: Storia, Culture, Lingue, Letterature, Arti, Media dell’Università di Urbino, la rivista non si pone l’obiettivo di muoversi su paradigmi culturali già consolidati, bensì di fornire un approccio interlocutorio quanto più ampio possibile, aperto anche alle ipotesi di ricerca di giovani studiosi.

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Rivista di Scienze del Turismo - Ambiente Cultura Diritto Economia

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International Journal of Transmedia Literacy (IJTL)

The International Journal of Transmedia Literacy is a scientific international publication devoted to critical works on new narratives, social intercreativity, new forms of engagement, informal learning and cross-media education.
The Journal seeks to describe, analyze, reflect and discuss the concept of transmedia as a process of emerging literacy, taking into consideration the epistemological sphere of participation, production, and transmission of knowledge and culture, the crisis of authorship, the new dimension of participation and relationship offered by the Web, the liquid structures of narrative spaces and the intercreativity favored by network narratives and collaborative digital environments.

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Ponti/Ponts. Langues littératures civilisations des Pays francophones

Logo PontsPonti/Ponts est une  revue en libre accès révisée par des pairs, qui se veut un haut lieu de rendez-vous des cultures francophones: du Québec et du Canada à l’Afrique subsaharienne, de la Belgique aux Caraïbes, du Maghreb à la Suisse et au Val d’Aoste, aux autres îles francophones dispersées partout dans le monde, toute la francophonie est conviée à cette rencontre, qui en est une de connaissance, de reconnaissance, de confrontation.

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