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Wenxin Duihua 文心對話: Dialogue on The Literary Mind

LCM - La Collana / The Series - ISSN 2283-5628

A Dialogue on The Literary Mind / The Core of Writing

Edited by Simona Gallo   

ISBN 978-88-7916-825-0 - pp. 136 - 2017

 € 27,00  (-15%)  Acquisto il volume  € 22,95

An encounter of knowledges, cultures, literary experiences and scientific approaches, from East and West, took the shape of this multifarious and bilingual collection of papers, entitled Wenxin Duihua 文心對話: A Dialogue on The Literary Mind / The Core of Writing. This work is meant to represent a first stage in an ongoing process of confrontation, in the domain of the Chinese literary and aesthetic tradition indelibly marked by the milestone of Wenxin Diaolong 文心雕龍. The six Chinese and European authors of this work shared their research and perspectives, enriched the literary and aesthetic landscape with deep reflections and original connections, and enhanced a polyphonic dialogue stemming from Liu Xie's heritage and reaching universal themes, like the essence of writing and the strong relationship between signs and images. Their contributions, crystallized in Wenxin Duihua 文心對話: A Dialogue on The Literary Mind / The Core of Writing, reveal the enormous potential of a multicultural approach, as well as the immeasurable profoundness of the wen 文.

文心雕龍》這一雙語論文集是中西方知識、文化、文學經驗與科學的方法碰撞的傑作。 論“文心”——中西對話,這本論文集旨在展示中西方文化“碰撞”的第一階段,《文心 雕龍》在中國傳統文學和美學領域中,毋庸置疑地起到了一個里程碑式的作用。在這本 論文集中,六位中歐作者分享了他們的研究成果和觀點,用深刻的思考和原創的視角豐 富了文學與美學景觀,增強了劉勰這本著作的複調對話,形成了普遍性的主題,如寫作 的本質以及標誌和圖像間的強烈關係等。

Simona Gallo holds a PhD from University of Milan and currently teaches Chinese Language, Literature and Culture at several Italian Universities. She has researched and published on contemporary Chinese Literature, and she is the editor of this work.

賈西媚獲得米蘭國立大學博士學位,她目前任義大利幾所大學的漢語言文學兼職教授, 她研究並發表了中國當代文學的文章。賈西媚是該論文集的編者。

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Editor’s Preface 編者序言

A Dialogue on The Literary Mind / The Core of Writing
Alessandra C. Lavagnino 蘭珊德

The Revival of Studies on Wenxin Diaolong after the Cultural Revolution: the Contribution of Some Scholars
文革後關於《文心雕龍》相關研究的復興: 一些學者的貢獻(摘要)

Alessandra C. Lavagnino 蘭珊德

The Value and the Significance of The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons

張少康 Zhang Shaokang

Cultural Meditations on Poetry and Landscape, and the Landscape of Poetry, in Contemporary Italy

Itala Vivan 魏易拉

On the Literary Criticism Paradigm of The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons (Abstract)

陶禮天 Tao Litian

Decoding and Recoding Signs and Images of Wenxin Diaolong: from Title to Titles

Simona Gallo 賈西媚

The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons Full-text Database: an Introduction

王莉 Wang Li


Wenxin Duihua 文心對話. Dialogue on The Literary Mind / The Core of Writing. International Symposium (Milan, May 5th, 2014): Programme

Wenxin Duihua 文心對話. Dialogue on The Literary Mind / The Core of Writing. International Symposium (Milan, May 5th, 2014): Book of Abstracts

Selected Bibliography on Wenxin Diaolong in Western Languages

The Authors 作者簡介