ISSN 1590-1807


Editorial statement   Text  Links

Snippets is currently accepting new submissions.
The submission deadline for publication in the next issue (Issue 48) is September 30th, 2024.
Submissions may be sent to – For details, please see our editorial statement.
Snippets will publish two issues per year.

Editorial Board

Sam Alxatib (Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Isaac Gould (Ewha Womans University)
Orin Percus (Université de Nantes)
advisory editor

Review Board

Simon Charlow (Rutgers University)
Christopher Davis (University of the Ryukyus)
Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (National University of Singapore)
Ilaria Frana (Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore")
Daniel Gutzmann (University of Cologne)
Laura Kalin (Princeton University)
Peter Klecha (Swarthmore College)
Marie-Christine Meyer (Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft)
Neil Myler (Boston University)
Michelle Sheehan (Newcastle University)
Yasutada Sudo (University College London)
Ayaka Sugawara (Waseda University)

Gary Thoms
(New York University)
Maziar Toosarvandani (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Wataru Uegaki (University of Edinburgh)
Coppe van Urk (Queen Mary University of London)
Alexis Wellwood (University of Southern California)
Rebecca Woods (Newcastle University)

Issue 46 – June 2024

  1. Andrew Carnie – Inalienable interpretation in attributive possession
pdf   2. Daniel Greeson –
Raising, uncased
pdf   3. J. Joseph Perry – Agreement resolution in ditransitives: An undiscussed pattern from Sampang


Issue 45 – December 2023

  1. Diego Feinmann – Ignorance is a problem
pdf   2. Matthew Tyler –
Passives and from-phrases in English

Issue 44 – March 2023

  1. Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine – Can parasitic scope-taking movement be pronounced?
pdf   2. Sampson Korsah, Augustina Pokua Owusu, and Comfort Ahenkorah – On unexpected exceptions to prosodic vacuity and verbal resumption in Akan

pdf   3. Brian Rabern and Patrick Todd – A puzzle about scope for restricted deontic modals

Issue 43 – October 2022

  1. Jeremy Kuhn, David Nicolas, and Brian Buccola – Deriving dimensions of comparison
pdf   2. Andrew Murphy – Parasitic gaps diagnose A-movement in quotative and locative inversion

pdf   3. Qiuhao Charles Yan – The structure of SAY verbs and temporal modification

Issue 42 – April 2022

  1. Zhuo Chen – A note on Logical Integrity
pdf  2. Keng Ji Chow – A novel algorithm for minimal search


Issue 41 – July 2021

   1. Abigail Anne Bimpeh and Frank Sode – Not all occurrences of logophoric pronouns are bound by a logophoric operator: The case of Ewe
pdf    2. Hagen Blix and Adina Williams – Pitch and causal inference in English temporal adverbial answers


Issue 40 – January 2021

   1. Paul Marty – A note on Schlenker’s Translucency
pdf    2. Carlos Muñoz Pérez – Island effects with infinitival hanging topics

pdf    3. Rint Sybesma – Raise is rise+v (rather than rise+Voice)


Issue 39 – July 2020

   1. Aurore Gonzalez and Karoliina Lohiniva – Exclusivity in unconditionals
pdf    2. Natasha Korotkova – Interrogative flip and indexical shift are distinct phenomena

pdf    3. Jon Ander Mendia – Competing for oddnes

pdf    4. Brian Rabern – Might generics

pdf    5. Eszter Ronai and Laura Stigliano – NP ellipsis bleeds allomorphy in Hungarian


Issue 38 – February 2020

   1. Maayan Abenina-Adar and Yael Sharvit – Alternative interrogatives and Negative Polarity Items
pdf    2. George Balabanian, Justin Case, and Dennis Ott – Sluicing bleeds differential object marking in Western Armenian

pdf    3. Zhuo Chen – A problem for the even theory of dou in Mandarin Chinese

pdf    4. Takayuki Kimura – Argument ellipsis in Left Node Raising in Japanese

pdf    5. Marie-Luise Schwarzer – Backward gapping is not RNR: Evidence from Determiner Sharing

pdf    6. Sandhya Sundaresan – A curious A/Ā non-interaction in Tamil double-object constructions

Issue 37 – December 2019
Special issue in honor of Uli Sauerland

Guest Editors:
Andreea C. Nicolae
(Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft)

Patrick D. Elliott (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft)
Yasutada Sudo (University College London)

   1. Andreea C. Nicolae, Patrick D. Elliott, and Yasutada Sudo – Introduction
pdf    2. Dorothy Ahn – ASL IX to locus as a modifier

pdf    3. Artemis Alexiadou – Decomposing scalar approximatives in Greek
pdf    4. Anna Alsop, Lucas Champollion, and Ioana Grosu – A problem for Fox’s (2007) account of free choice disjunction
pdf    5. Anton Benz and Nicole Gotzner – Quantifier irgendein and local implicature

pdf    6. Jonathan David Bobaljik and Susi Wurmbrand – Fake indexicals, binding, and the PCC
pdf    7. Brian Buccola and Emmanuel Chemla – Alternatives of disjunctions: when a disjunct contains the antecedent of a pronoun
pdf    8. Luka Crnic and Brian Buccola – Scoping NPIs out of DPs
pdf    9. Chris Cummins – Some contexts requiring precise number meanings

pdf    10. Patrick D. Elliott and Paul Marty – Exactly one theory of multiplicity inferences
pdf    11. Anamaria Falaus and Andreea C. Nicolae – Two coordinating particles are better than one: free choice items in Romanian
pdf    12. Danny Fox – Individual concepts and narrow scope illusions
pdf    13. Danny Fox – Degree concepts and narrow scope illusions

pdf    14. Nicole Gotzner – Disjunction, conjunction, and exhaustivity
pdf    15. Martin Hackl – On Haddock’s puzzle and the role of presupposition in reference resolution
pdf    16. Andreas Haida – Symmetry, density, and formal alternatives
pdf    17. Nina Haslinger and Viola Schmitt – Strengthened disjunction or non-classical conjunction?

pdf    18. Fabian Heck and Anke Himmelreich – Two observations about reconstruction
pdf    19. Aron Hirsch – Modal adverbs and constraints on type-flexibility
pdf    20. Natalia Ivlieva and Alexander Podobryaev – On variable agreement and scope reconstruction in Russian
pdf    21. Hadil Karawani – The past is rewritten

pdf    22. Manfred Krifka and Fereshteh Modarresi – Persian ezafe and proportional quantifiers
pdf    23. Paul Marty – Maximize Presupposition! and presupposition satisfaction
pdf    24. Lisa Matthewson, Sihwei Chen, Marianne Huijsmans, Marcin Morzycki, Daniel Reisinger, and Hotze Rullmann – Restricting the English past tense
pdf    25. Clemens Mayr – On a seemingly nonexistent cumulative reading

pdf    26. Marie-Christine Meyer – Scalar Implicatures in complex contexts
pdf    27. Moreno Mitrovic
Null disjunction in disguise
pdf    28. Andreea C. Nicolae and Yasutada Sudo – The exhaustive relevance of complex conjunctions
pdf    29. Rick Nouwen – Scalar vagueness regulation and locative reference

pdf    30. Robert Pasternak – Unifying partitive and adjective-modifying percentr
pdf    31. Hazel Pearson and Frank Sode – ‘Not in my wildest dreams’: a part time minimizer?
pdf    32. Orin Percus – Uli and our generation: some reminiscences
pdf    33. Jacopo Romoli – Why them?

pdf    34. Fabienne Salfner – The rise and fall of non-conservatives
pdf    35. Petra B. Schumacher – Vagueness and context-sensitivity of absolute gradable adjectives

pdf    36. Stephanie Solt – More or less an approximator
pdf    37. Giorgos Spathas – Plural anaphoric reference and non-conservativity
pdf    38. Benjamin Spector – An argument for the trivalent approach to presupposition projection
pdf    39. Bob van Tiel – ‘The case against fuzzy logic revisited’ revisited

pdf    40. Lyn Tieu – A developmental asymmetry between the singular and plural
pdf    41. Tue Trinh – A tense question
pdf    42. Hubert Truckenbrodt – On remind-me presuppositions and embedded question acts
pdf    43. Michael Wagner – Disjuncts must be mutually excludable
pdf    44. E. Cameron Wilson – Constraints on non-conservative readings in English
pdf    45. Susi Wurmbrand – Indexical shift meets ECM

Issue 36 – August 2019

   1. Paul Marty – A note on non-distributive belief ascriptions
pdf    2. Gesoel Mendes and Marta Ruda – First conjunct agreement in Polish: Evidence for a mono-clausal analysis


Issue 35 – February 2019

   1. Patrick D. Elliott – #Only zero
pdf    2. Patrick D. Elliott and Andrew Murphy – Unconditional sluicing: An ellipsis identity puzzle

pdf    3. Andrew Murphy – A Distinctness Effect in the German Noun Phrase

pdf    4. Michael Nguyen – Extraction of R-pronouns via an intermediate position within the prepositional domain


Issue 34 – December 2018
Special issue on Non-local Contextual Allomorphy
Guest Editors: Itamar Kastner (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Beata Moskal
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

   1. Itamar Kastner and Beata Moskal – Non-local contextual allomorphy: Introduction to the special issue
pdf    2. Marijke De Belder – Root allomorphy depends on head movement: Support from Breton pluralization

pdf    3. Benjamin Bruening – Non-local allomorphy in Passamaquoddy-Maliseet

pdf    4. Amy Rose Deal – Locality in allomorphy and presyntactic bundling: A case of tense and aspect

pdf    5. Dmitry Ganenkov – The ABA pattern in Nakh-Daghestanian pronominal inflection

pdf    6. Hyunjung Lee and Irene Amato – A hybrid locality constraint on allomorphy: Evidence from Korean

pdf    7. Yi-Chi Yvette Wu – Non-local allomorphy in Kannada


Issue 33 – July 2018


   1. Amir Anvari – A problem for Maximize Presupposition! (Locally)
              doi: 10.7358/snip-2018-033-anva
pdf    2. Brian Buccola – A restriction on the distribution of exclusive only

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2018-033-bucc
pdf    3. Patrick D. Elliott – Collective predication and ellipsis

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2018-033-elli
pdf    4. Maria Esipova – QUD-addressing appositives don’t have to be clause-final

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2018-033-esip
pdf    5. Naga Selvanathan – Dative adjuncts are not interveners in Tamil tough-movement

               doi: 10.7358/snip-2018-033-selv
pdf    6. Gary Thoms – Quantifiers and the derivation of fragments

               doi: 10.7358/snip-2018-033-thom
pdf    7. Erik Zyman – Super-local Remove in nominal preposing around though

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2018-033-zyma

Issue 32 – January 2018

   1. Wm. G. Bennett –Subject-Auxiliary inversion in interrogative complex NPs
              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-032-benn
pdf    2. Ken Hiraiwa – Anatomy of what and NUMBER in Japanese

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-032-benn/10.7358/snip-2017-032-hira
pdf    3. Erik Zyman – Gestures and nonlinguistic objects are subject to the Case Filter

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-032-zyma
pdf    4. Erik Zyman – Interjections select and project

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-032-zymb

Issue 31 – June 2017

   1. Lisa Bylinina –Count lists cross-linguistically vs bootstrapping the counting system
              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-031-byli
pdf    2. Isabelle Charnavel and Emmanuel Chemla – More hybrid agreement: simultaneous agreement with two competing triggers

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-031-char
pdf    3. Kleanthes Grohmann, Markus Pöchtrager, Tobias Scheer, Michael Schiffmann and Neven Wenger – The Apex Paradox

pdf    4. Nina Haslinger and Viola Schmitt – Stressed non-Boolean und (and) in German

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-031-hasl
pdf    5. Sara S. Loss – Two types of subordinate subject contact relatives

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-031-loss
pdf    6. Andreea Nicolae, Patrick D. Elliott and Yasutada Sudo – Do superiority-violating multiple singular which-questions have pair-list readings?

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-031-nico
pdf    7. Hazel Pearson – He himself and I

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-031-pear
pdf    8. Uli Sauerland – A note on grammaticality and analyticity

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-031-saue
pdf    9. Tatjana Scheffler – Root infinitives on Twitter

              doi: /10.7358/snip-2017-031-sche
pdf    10. Yasutada Sudo – Another problem for alternative-based theories of plurality inferences: the case of reduplicated plural nouns in Japanese

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-031-sudo
pdf    11. Yasutada Sudo – De re readings of nested which-phrases in embedded questions

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2017-031-yasu

Issue 30 – June 2015

   1. Andreea Nicolae, Patrick D. Elliott and Yasutada Sudo – Pair-list readings of conjoined singular which-phrases
              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-030-nico
pdf    2. Rick Nouwen Presuppositions of superlatives with neg-raisers

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-030-nouw
pdf    3. Philippe Schlenker – Gestural presuppositions

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-030-schl
pdf    4. Yasutada Sudo – Japanese nominal conjunction only has the split reading

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-030-sudo
pdf    5. Susi Wurmbrand – Does gender depend on number?

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-030-wurm
pdf    6. Ed Zoerner and Brian Agbayani – Stripping, deletion and insubordinators

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-030-zoer

Issue 29 – June 2015

   1. Heidi Harley and Jeffrey Punske Some PP modifiers of NP block relative readings in superlatives
              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-029-harl
pdf    2. Natalia Ivlieva and Yasutada Sudo Another problem for alternative-based theories of plurality inferences: the case of mass plurals

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-029-ivli
pdf    3. Hideki Kishimoto Ergativity of adjectives in Japanese

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-029-kish
pdf    4. Todor Koev An ‘antiproviso problem’ for appositive relative clauses

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-029-koev
pdf    5. Philippe Schlenker – Gradient and iconic features in ASL

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-029-schl
pdf    6. Luis Vicente Morphological case mismatches under sluicing

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2015-029-vice

Issue 28 – December 2013

   1. Katrin Axel-Tober and Patrick Grosz Even strong evaluatives can occur under negation
              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-028-axel
pdf    2. Antonio Fabregas Not all locative subjects are arguments: two classes of weather verbs

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-028-fabr
pdf    3. Claire Halpert and David Schueler That sentential subjects are (linked to) DPs is explained herein

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-028-halp
pdf    4. Negin Ilkhanipour Having ‘need’ in Farsi

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-028-ilkh
              ERRATA. Please note that the author’s affiliation and contact address were misprinted in the initial posting. They should read as follows: University of Tehran, .

pdf    5. Bradley Larson – An argument against null prepositions in certain stative passives

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-028-lars
pdf    6. Milan Rezac The gender of bound variable he

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-028-reza
pdf    7. Philippe Schlenker – Restrictor set readings across ontological domains in ASL

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-028-schl

Issue 27 – September 2013

   1. Peter Arkadiev and Yury Lander Non-quantificational distributive quantifiers in Besleney Kabardian
              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-027-arka
pdf    2. Katharina Hartmann and Viola Schmitt Violations of the Right Edge Constraint in Right Node Raising

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-027-hart
pdf    3. Giorgio Magri An argument for nominal lexical cumulativity

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-027-magr
pdf    4. Emar Maier and Kees de Schepper Fake indexicals in Dutch: a counterexample to Kratzer 2009

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-027-maie
pdf    5. Jacopo Romoli – A problem for the structural characterization of alternatives

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-027-romo
pdf    6. Philippe Schlenker and Gaurav Mathur A Strong Crossover effect in ASL

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-027-schl
pdf    7. Hideaki Yamashita – On (multiple) long-distance scrambling of adjuncts and subjects and the generalized additional scrambling effect

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2013-027-yama

Issue 26 – December 2012

   1. Luka Crnic Projection of supplements in alternatives
              doi: 10.7358/snip-2012-026-crni
pdf    2. Michael Erlewine Structurally distant haplology

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2012-026-erle
pdf    3. Natalia Fitzgibbons Pied-pipe your preposition and strand it too

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2012-026-fitz
pdf    4. Michael Frazier and Masaya Yoshida Remarks on gapping in ASL

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2012-026-fraz
pdf    5. Sumiyo Nishiguchi – Shifty operators in Dhaasanac

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2012-026-nish
pdf    6. Jacopo Romoli Strong NPIs and Neg-raising desire predicates

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2012-026-romo
pdf    7. Philippe Schlenker – Informativity-based maximality conditions

              doi: 10.7358/snip-2012-026-schl

Issue 25 – March 2012

Issue 24 – November 2011

Issue 23 – May 2011

Issue 22 – November 2010

   1. Galia Hatav States and embedded tense interpretation in non-SOT languages
   2. Hazel Pearson A modification of the “Hey, Wait a Minute”  test
3. Yosuke Sato Complementizer deletion in Kansai Japanese revisited: a prosodic account
 4. Philippe Schlenker A phonological condition that targets discontinuous syntactic units: ma/mon suppletion in French.
5. Shuichi Yatabe Association of floated quantifiers with expressions other than the local grammatical subjects in John Updike’s Rabbit, Run

Issue 21 – April 2010


Guest editors:
Sigrid Beck (University of Tübingen), Hans-Martin Gärtner (ZAS Berlin)


This special issue presents a series of puzzles originally offered as birthday presents to Manfred Krifka. The guidelines for this issue were different from those of the standard Snippets issues, and the notes it contains are often longer than standard snippets. The notes were selected from a pool of invited submissions and reviewed by a special board constituted for this issue only.

0. Sigrid Beck and Hans-Martin Gärtner. A message from the editors of the special issue
1. Sigrid Beck. Positively comparative
2. Ariel Cohen. Why ambiguity?
3. Michael Cysouw. The asymmetry of affixation
4. Laura Downing. The puzzle of misleading focus clitic position and prosody
5. Gisbert Fanselow. Unrealised possibilities
6. Caroline Féry. Postponed auch:Where does its accent come from?
7. Alexander Grosu. Andrew amalgams, their properties, and a suggested analysis
8. Beth Levin and Malka Rappaport Hovav. Constraints on the complexity of verb meaning and VP structure
9. Barbara Partee. Do we need two basic types?
10. Chris Piñón. The thing about modal adverbs
11. Marga Reis. Are there interrogative VPs? Some observations on a pied-piping puzzle in German
12. Susan Rothstein. Telicity at the dinner table: Do I have to eat it all?
13. Joachim Sabel. A relative clause puzzle
14. Douglas Saddy. Quantification therapy?
15. Uli Sauerland. Decomposing question acts
16. Wolfgang Sternefeld. Do free relative clauses have quantificational
17. Stephen Wechsler. Why are the lazy so agreeable?

Issue 19 – July 2009

   1. Bridget Copley and Heidi Harley Futurates, directors and have-causatives
   2. Xuan Di Predicate types in relative clauses and complementizer deletion
   3. Aviad Eilam Evidence for covert syntax in complement coercion
    4. Nancy Hedberg and Richard C. DeArmond On complements and adjuncts
   5. Ken Hiraiwa Kakarimusubi in Okinawan and its microparametric implications
   6. Karine Megerdoomian Telicity inPersian complex predicates
pdf    7. Andrea Moro Rethinking symmetry: a note on labeling and the EPP

   8. Lucia Pozzan and Giuliano Bocci Here there is an ambiguity: two readings for the sequence here/there-P in Italian
pdf    9. Emilio Servidio A puzzle on auxiliary omission and focalization in English: evidence for cartographd

Issue 18 – November 2008

   1. Maximiliano Guimarães A note on the strong generative capacity of standard Antisymmetry
   2. Justin Kelly Yet as a negative perfect marker in English
   3. Marlies Kluck & Mark de Vries The interaction of Right Node Raising and extraposition
    4. Eric McCready Expressive content and logophoricity
   5. Nagarajan Selvanathan and Chonghyuck Kim The anaphor agreement effect in Tamil
   6. Guillaume Thomas Proxy counterfactuals
    7. Ed Zoerner A partial antecedent


Issue 17 – May 2008

   1. Marco Nicolis On the case marking of PRO in Italian
   2. Dorian Roehrs High floating quantifiers: syntactic or ‘delayed V2?
   3. Yosuke Sato Case-stranding nominal ellipsis in Japanese: a preliminary sketch
    4. Michael Wagner And, or and Ø


Issue 16 – December 2007

   1. Elissa Flagg Questioning innovative quotatives
   2. Thomas Graf Agreement with hybrid nouns in Icelandic
   3. Heidi Harley and Jason D. Haugen Are there really two different classes of instrumental denominal verbs in English?
    4. Mikko Kupula A visible trace of movement?
   5. Go Mizumoto On the relationship between children's working memory capacity and their use of contextual information in sentence comprehension
   6. Eva Monrós A neglected foundation for the distinction between inherent and structural case: ergative as an inherent case
   7. Yosuke Sato P-stranding generalization and Bahasa Indonesia: a myth?
    8. Michael Wagner – A note on stress in intransitives in English
   9. Hedde Zeijlstra Zero licensers

   1. Emmanuel Chemla French both: a gap in the theory of antipresupposition
   2. Uli Sauerland German plural negatives with Plural-Individual-Level Predicates
   3. Stephanie Solt Few and fewer
    4. Rachel Szekely On the non-unified interpretation of bare plurals in existential sentences
   5. Michiko Todokoro Buchanan Two types of NPIs in Japanese

Issue 14 – March 2007

   1. Naomi Harada Case marker drop beyond structure
   2. Marie Labelle
Biolinguistics, the Minimalist Program, and psycholinguistic reality
   3. Go Mizumoto
Can Japanese children postulate clause boundary by prosody?
   4. Janneke ter Beek
Particle verbs trigger cluster formation
   5. Susi Wurmbrand
Back to the future, Part 2

Issue 13 – June 2006

   1. Valentina Bianchi An asymmetry between personal pronouns and other DPs
   2. Amy Rose Deal Does English have a genitive case?
   3. Bernhard Schwarz Covert reciprocity and Strawson-symmetry
   4. Kazuko Yatsushiro and Uli Sauerland [Feminine] in a high position

Issue 12 – June 2006

   1. David Adger Focused responses
   2. Faye Chalcraft Right Node Raising as ellipsis: evidence from (what the) British do.
   3. Lawrence Y.-L. Cheung On certain (non-)violations of Coordinate Structure Constraints
   4. Feng-hsi Liu Event measures in Chinese
   5. Julia Staffel Binding of reflexive pronouns in German

Issue 11 – November 2005

   1. Gabi Danon Quantification over partitions
    2. Elissa Flagg Not just constituent negation
   3. Sky Sang-Geun Lee Japanese/Korean possessive verbal nouns as inherently intensional
   4. Linton Wang and Eric McCready The indefiniteness effect

Issue 10 – March 2005

   1. Boban Arsenijevic Negative concord in Serbo-Croat APs
   2. Simona Herdan Who knows the only reading of only ?
   3. Martha McGinnis Painting the wall red for a few hours: a reply to Glasbey (2003)
   4. Jon Sprouse What doesn't because select?
5. Linton Wang, Brian Reese and Eric McCready The projection problem of nominal appositive

Issue 9 – September 2004

   1. Daniel Altshuler – Relative head surgery
   2. Bridget Copley – So-called epistemic should
   3. Bill Haddican – Affirmation and weak islands
   4. Uli Sauerland – "A team", definitely
   5. Benjamin Spector – Indefinites in subject position are positive polarity items
   6. H
idekazu Tanaka – Not so tough: a response to Harley
   7. Tohru Uchiumi A peculiar restriction on the long-distance "anaphor" zibun in Japanese
   8. Roberto Zamparelli
Every two days

Issue 8 – February 2004

   1. Daniel Altshuler – A simultaneous perception of things: SOT in Russian
   2. Sarah Felber, Dorian Roehrs – *So weird a baffling construction
   3. Stefan Müller – Complex NPs, subjacency, and extraposition
   4. Mark Volpe – Affected object unergatives
   5. Roberto Zamparelli – On the thickness of plurals
   6. Ed Zoerner – Gapping of copular be and [Spec, CP]

Issue 7 – July 2003

   1. Elissa Flagg – Against heterogeneous origins for n't and not
   2. Danny Fox, Jon Nissenbaum – VP ellipsis and the position of adverbs
   3. Naomi Harada – No head raising in light verb constructions
   4. Shigeto Kawahara, Makoto Kadowaki, Kazuko Yatsushiro – A gap in the interpretation of embedded tense in Japanese
   5. Feng-shi Liu – Definite NPs and telicity in Chinese

Issue 6 – July 2002

   1. Daniel Büring – 2 x Singular ± Plural
   2. Daniel Currie Hall – A subject must scope
   3. Franc Marusic, Tatjana Marvin and Rok Zaucer – Secondary predication in control sentences
   4. Uli Sauerland – The present tense is vacuous
   5. Chung-chieh Shan – Temporal versus non-temporal "when"

Issue 5 – January 2002

   1. R. Amritavalli and Partha Protim Sarma A case distinction between unaccusative and unergative subjects in Assamese
   2. Paolo Acquaviva and Mark Volpe Open-class roots in closed-class contexts: a question for lexical insertion
   3. Andrew Kehler Another problem for syntactic (and semantic) theories of VP-ellipsis
   4. Winfried Lechner Negative islands in comparatives
   5. Sky Lee Telicity and VN-LV vs. VN-Acc-LV
   6. Hans-Christian Schmitz and Bernhard Schröder On focus and VP-deletion
   7. Ed Zoerner and Brian Agbayani A pseudogapping asymmetry

Issue 4 – July 2001

   1. Yves-Ferdinand Bouvier Some audible effects of a silent operator
   2. Dirk Bury German V3 and the origin of adverbs
   3. Uli Sauerland Intermediate cumulation
   4. Gwangrak Son Reflexives: a category defective in c-commanding ability
   5. Mark Volpe The causative alternation and Japanese unaccusative

Issue 3 – January 2001

   1. Tanmoy Bhattacharya The puzzle of Bangla Comp-internal clauses
   2. Yoon ChungAgainst the two types of tough gaps: a response to Jacobson
   3. Felicia LeeWh- and Focus are not the same projection
   4. Christopher Potts(Only) some crossover effects repaired
   5. Susi WurmbrandBack to the future

Issue 2 – July 2000

   1. Yves-Ferdinand Bouvier – How to passivize French causatives
   2. Dirk Bury – Effects of self-attachment and the status of functional projections
   3. Heidi Harley – Tough-movement is even tougher than we thought
   4. Kerstin Hoge – On subject-adverbial effects
   5. Yoshi Okamoto – Split antecedents à la movement
   6. Henri Presque – On predicting the future

Issue 1 – January 2000

   1. David Gil – Rau Indonesian: a VO language with internally-headed relative clauses
   2. Ray Jackendoff – Curiouser and curiouser
   3. Pauline Jacobson – Extraction out of tough
   4. Winfried Lechner – Bivalent coordination in German
   5. Jeffrey Lidz – A three-legged chicken
   6. Ian Roberts – Auxiliary reduction and negation reduction – a rough sketch
   7. Uli Sauerland – «How many» questions and pair-list situation


1. Purpose

The aim of Snippets is to publish specific remarks that motivate research or that make theoretical points germane to current work. The ideal contribution is brief, self-contained and explicit. One encounters short comments of this kind in earlier literature in linguistics. We feel that there no longer is a forum for them. We want Snippets to help fill that gap.

2. Content

We will publish notes that contribute to the study of syntax and semantics in generative grammar. The notes are to be brief, self-contained and explicit. They may do any of the following things:

  • point out an empirical phenomenon that challenges accepted generalizations or influential theoretical proposals;
  • point out unnoticed minimal pairs that fall outside the scope of any existing theory;
  • point out an empirical phenomenon that confirms the predictions of a theory in an area where the theory has not been tested;
  • explicitly describe technical inconsistencies in a theory or in a set of frequently adopted assumptions;
  • explicitly describe unnoticed assumptions that underlie a theory or assumptions that a theory needs to be supplemented with in order to make desired predictions;
  • call attention to little-known or forgotten literature in which issues of immediate relevance are discussed.

We also encourage submissions that connect psycholinguistic data to theoretical issues. A proposal for a pilot experiment in language acquisition or language processing could make for an excellent snippet.

The earliest Linguistic Inquiry squibs exemplify the kind of remark we would like to publish. Some of them posed unobserved puzzles. For instance, a squib by Postal and Ross in Linguistic Inquiry 1:1 ("A Problem of Adverb Preposing") noted that whether or not we can construe a sentence-initial temporal adverb with an embedded verb depends on the tense of the matrix verb. A squib by Perlmutter and Ross in LI 1:3 ("Relative Clauses with Split Antecedents"), challenging the prevailing analyses of coordination and extraposition, noted that conjoined clauses, neither of which contains a plural noun phrase, can appear next to an "extraposed" relative that can only describe groups. Other squibs drew attention to particular theoretical assumptions. For instance, a squib by Bresnan in LI 1:2 ("A Grammatical Fiction") outlined an alternative account of the derivation of sentences containing believe and force, and asked whether there were principled reasons for dismissing any of the underlying assumptions (among them that semantic interpretation is sensitive to details of a syntactic derivation). A squib by Zwicky in LI 1:2 ("Class Complements in Phonology") asked to what extent phonological rules refer to complements of classes. None of these squibs was more than a couple of paragraphs; all of them limited themselves to a precise question or observation.

3. Submission details

Snippets is an electronic journal. We will solicit submissions twice a year. The submissions that we accept will be posted on the journal website approximately 3 months after each deadline, and all accepted submissions will remain permanently on the website. Snippets is intended as a service to the linguistics community. Consequently, authors are advised that, when they submit to Snippets, we understand them as allowing their submission to be reproduced if published. At the same time, the rights for the published snippets themselves will remain with the authors. As a result, citation of Snippets material will have to indicate the author's name and the specific source of the material.

We will accept electronic submissions at the address Electronic submissions may take the form of (a) the text of an e-mail message, or (b) an attached file. The attached file should be a simple text file, a Word file (Mac or Windows), a Rich Text Format (RTF) file, or a PDF. The files must be anonymous, but must be accompanied with information about the authors: name, affiliation, and (postal or electronic) address. Submissions can be of any length below 500 words (including examples), with an additional half page allowed for diagrams, tables, and references. The submissions may not contain footnotes or general acknowledgments, except acknowledgements of funding sources, which must be credited in a line following the references. Authors who wish to acknowledge language consultants are allowed but not required to do so. We will not consider abstracts.

4. Editorial policy

Submissions will be reviewed by our editorial board and review board, and review will be name-blind both ways. While we guarantee a response within 3 months of the submission deadline, we will not necessarily provide more than a yes/no response to the submitter. We allow resubmission (once) of the same piece.


The works included in Snippets are the property of their authors and are used by permission. Readers must apply the same principles of fair use to the works in this electronic archive that they would to a printed archive. These works may be read online, downloaded and printed for personal use, copied and freely distributed, or the URL of Snippets included in another electronic document. Any reference to material included in Snippets must cite the author and the source. The texts may not be published commercially (in print or electronic form), edited, or otherwise altered without the permission of the author.


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